Thursday, September 19, 2013

40 Greatest Photos Ever

Kim Ho-Young

I think the fact that he was crying drew me in to the picture. What I REALLY liked was how the camera was focused on the man closer to the camera than the man in the back, but you could still see the man in the back without wondering what he's doing. I think it made the cut for the 40 greatest photos because the moment it captured, how clear it came out and how the position of the camera  captured both of them. 

William Anders

I really like how most of the picture is black and then focused on the earth. The earth is the only thing with such vibrant color.  I like how the surface of the moon looks slanted. This photo made the cut because its not too often when someone goes to the moon. I think its a great photo despite the fact that it was taken in 1968. 

Marc Riboud

I was drawn into this photo because of the colors. It seems like there's some type of filter and/or the sunset or sunrise is highlighting her dress, the flower and the sky more and is making it stand out. I really like how the picture is coming from somewhat behind her left shoulder but you can still see what she's doing and the soldiers faces. This photo made cut because it just seems so powerful. She's dressed in color along with the flower and the soldiers are just in all black. 

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